About us

The company was established in 2004 in order to provide service to motorists. We deal with cars.

Since 2004 we have been taking part in trainings at home and abroad, concerning protection, wrap and window films. In 2015, we focused mainly on protection film installation and in order to move forward we took part in the most prestigious exhibition in the USA, where we acquired the XPEL brand. Since the quality of XPEL film appealed to us, we also participated in a special XPEL film installation training.

With this training we gained not only experience but we have become the first certified installers in Slovakia. We also got the access to the largest database of cutting patterns in the world. We applied all the accumulated experience into practice and today we drive over 300 cars of our XPEL protection film. In 2019, due to the extraordinary popularity of XPEL film on the market, we expanded our services within our sales representations all over Slovakia. Therefore we can offer you a professional installation in other cities as well.

Frequently asked questions:

  • How long does it take to install the XPEL film?

The whole process takes from 2 to 6 days, depending on the package preference. The preparation of a vehicle is included – thorough washing and rid the car of rust and asphalt. Than the installation itself, sufficient drying process, final treatment and inspection.

  • How to take care of the car with the film?

We recommend only manual washing since aic washing machines might damage the film and its self-healing layer. Extra care should be taken with high-pressure cleaner – if the distance is not kept, the film as well as the car paint might get damaged by its pressure.

  • Does the film require any special care?

There is no need of any special care or service, although we recommend at least waxing once in 1 to 3 months (depending on the paint tone) by XPEL Selanth agent.